Blog Feed
August 2024
AuthorMy name is Sue and I live in Colorado. I love Jesus and I follow Him. I started this blog three and half years ago as I sensed God inviting me to write a book. I was advised to start a blog. I decided this Fall 2023 to create a new platform to give the blog a fresh look. It feels more life giving than my original site. |
7/21/2024 0 Comments His Mercies are new every morningDry-erase boards are great. I can write on them, erase them, and viola they are clean. I remember using it as a visual to remind me of God’s grace and mercy. Each morning, I would use it as a reminder that His mercies are new every morning. He wants my heart to remain pure and to start each day clean.
I ask Him to show me if there is any sin in the way. When He reveals sin in my heart, it is my responsibility to agree with Him and confess it. I need to accept His mercy and grace. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (I John 1:9). The dry-erase board demonstrates how God loves me and extends mercy to me. It's His assurance He will "clean off" my heart when I confess my sin. When I thought of this verse, His mercies are new every morning, I thought about the people in my life - my husband, siblings, friends, children, grandchildren, etc. I realized at this moment that God's mercy is new every morning for them too. My thoughts of them need to be pure. If not, I need to confess them. I thought about these thoughts and if I didn't deal with them, they would hinder, constrict, and cloud my interactions with them. God desires a pure heart. Another verse came to mind, don’t let the sun go down on your anger (Ephesians 4:26). Anger can rule my heart and mind if I don't recognize that it is operating in my heart. God desires I deal with my anger before I go to bed. I believe this is God’s mercy toward me. He tucks me in bed at night with His mercy and then wakes me up with His mercy. What about you? Is there something hindering you from experiencing God’s mercy? Does resentment, unforgiveness, injustice, anger, or sin, need to be addressed? A dry-erase board is a great visual to remind you of God’s mercy. I am thankful for God's mercy. He promises to provide it to me every morning. I can gratefully receive it for myself and extend it to others. Great is His faithfulness.
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